
ICDAD Activity Grants 2023

Deadline for Application: September 10, 2023

ICDAD is announcing two grants with the amount of up to 1,000 euros for 2023. All individual and institutional members of ICDAD are welcome to apply. Collaborations with ICOM national or regional groups, with other ICOM international committees, or other partners are allowed and encouraged.

The proposed projects should fit into the following categories of activity:

  • conferences, trainings and meetings
  • publications and research activities
  • activities for young members
  • actions encouraging exchange with emerging countries
  • cooperation with other ICOM committees and/or Regional Alliances

Please download the application form here.

Travel Grants for the ICOM-ICDAD Annual Conference in Lisbon 2023

Deadline for Application: 4 September 2023

ICOM-ICDAD is awarding three travel grants for members who have been accepted to present a paper at the ICDAD Annual Conference in Lisbon, 10-12 October, 2023.  (Please note that selection for presenters of this conference has already been completed.)

Two (2) grants will go to scholars based in Europe (2 x 500 €)

One (1) grant will go to a scholar based outside of Europe (1 x 1000 €).

ICDAD will give priority to scholars under 40 and those from ICOM category 4, 3, and 2 countries (as defined in the ICOM membership grid) .

Note: The grant may not be used for the post-conference tour or conference dinner. Grants will be distributed after the conference, based on valid receipts provided to the ICDAD and only up to the value of the grant. The grantees pay their own expenses and send all the invoices to the ICDAD treasurer after the event for reimbursement.


  • has been accepted to speak at the ICOM-ICDAD Annual Conference "Ornament" in Lisbon
  • is able to understand and speak English
  • is a museum employee or equivalent
  • is an individual member of ICOM and ICDAD
  • is up-to-date with their membership dues ("in good standing")
  • has not received an ICDAD grant in the past three years

Please send your application to secretary.icdad[at] and include:

  • the completed and signed application form (sent by email to all accepted presenters)
  • a 500 words statement of your motivation for attending the General Conference and the benefits which you expect to derive from it
  • your curriculum vitae indicating training, work experience, publications as well as current work responsibilities within your institution (maximum one page)
  • a copy of a valid travel document (passport or identity card)

Each grantee will be required to submit a report and/or a questionnaire within two weeks following the meeting, stating their experience and contribution to ICOM activities at the General Conference.

ICDAD Grants 2022

Deadline of Application: February 28, 2022

ICDAD is announcing two grants with the amount of up to 1,000 euros for 2022. All individual and institutional members of ICDAD are welcome to apply. Collaborations with ICOM national or regional groups, with other ICOM international committees, or other partners are allowed and encouraged.

The proposed projects should fit into the following categories of activity:

  • conferences, trainings and meetings
  • publications and research activities
  • activities for young members
  • actions encouraging exchange with emerging countries
  • cooperation with other ICOM committees and/or Regional Alliances

Please download the application form here (as Word document or PDF document).

Travel Grants for the
ICOM General Conference in Prague 2022

Deadline for application: 31 March 2022

ICDAD is awarding three travel grants for museum professionals under 40 in order to participate at the ICOM General Conference 2022 in Prague:

  • Czech grant (for young curators from outside Prague): up to 400 €

  • European grant: up to 1,000 €

  • Non-European grant: up to 2,000 €

Note: The grant does not include post-conference tour or conference dinner. Grants will be distributed after the conference, based on the justifying documents provided. The grantees pay their expenses and shall transfer all the invoices to the IC (treasurer) after the event. If the total amount of invoices is inferior to the grant, the IC reimburses only the invoices paid by the member. If the total amount of invoices is superior to the grant, the reimbursement of the IC is limited to it.


  • has applied to the ICDAD Call for Papers
  • able to understand and speak English
  • museum employee
  • individual member of ICOM and ICDAD
  • up-to-date with their membership dues ("in good standing")
  • priority will be given to young members (≤ 40 years) from countries belonging to Categories 4, 3 and 2 (as defined in the ICOM membership grid) who haven't received ICDAD grants in the previous three years

Please send your application to secretary.icdad[at] and include:

  • the completed and signed application form (download here: Word or PDF)
  • a 500 words statement of your motivation for attending the General Conference and the benefits which you expect to derive from it
  • your curriculum vitae indicating training, work experience, publications as well as current work responsibilities within your institution (maximum one page)
  • a copy of a valid travel document (passport or identity card)

Each grantee will be required to submit a report and/or a questionnaire within two weeks following the meeting, stating their experience and contribution to ICOM activities at the General Conference.

ICDAD Grants 2022

Deadline of Application: 28 February 2022

ICDAD is announcing two grants with the amount of up to 1,000 euros for 2022. All individual and institutional members of ICDAD are welcome to apply. Collaborations with ICOM national or regional groups, with other ICOM international committees, or other partners are allowed and encouraged.

The proposed projects should fit into the following categories of activity:

  • conferences, trainings and meetings
  • publications and research activities
  • activities for young members
  • actions encouraging exchange with emerging countries
  • cooperation with other ICOM committees and/or Regional Alliances

Please download the application form here (as Word document or PDF document).

How to become an ICOM and ICDAD member

To become a member of ICDAD, please become a member of ICOM first:

When being an ICOM member, please log in to the memberspace and choose ICDAD as your International Committee: